This bike is very clean and gets a ton of compliments! Great shape for being almost 50 years old. New tires, recently had rear rim replaced and trued, has an easy clutch installed to help with hand fatigue from using exhausting vintage clutch, front break caliper just replaced, electrical system has been replaced and extensively worked on. Small chip in chrome on the gas tank and very tiny chips in other places, but this bike is pretty dang pristine!
Kick start only. I have been told that the front end is from the 1970s and is not original. However, this gives it a better break system- disc instead of drum.
This bike is a beauty! I would keep her, but i have too many projects going on.
Sounds nice and mean.
It came without turn signals- the cafe racers were meant to be kept clean and minimal like this.
Price: Auction
More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 1966 Triumph Bonneville (Affiliate link)
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey, United States